Charting And Reporting Plug-in – Background

The Process Dashboard is an open-source application, and has been in active development since 1998. Using conservative cost models, this has been a nearly $4 million software development effort – but we are pleased to be able to give the Process Dashboard to everyone free of charge.

Of course, this never would have been possible without the selfless submissions from open source contributors, and the generous financial support of government and corporate sponsors. To express our gratitude to these sponsors, we have created a special collection of enhanced charts and reports. We feel it is the least we can do to show our appreciation.

Of course, we never stop developing and enhancing the dashboard, and we always welcome new sponsors and contributors! If you find the Process Dashboard to be useful, and you would consider giving something back to help make the dashboard even better, we’re happy to share these charts and reports with you, too. For more information, click here.