Process Dashboard Version 1.9

The development team for the Software Process Dashboard Initiative is pleased to announce the availability of version 1.9 of the Process Dashboard.

Version 1.9 includes these significant new features:

  • The Process Dashboard now displays an icon in the system tray:
    • Users can click on the icon to start/stop the timer, and tell from a glance at the icon whether the timer is running.
    • The tooltip on the icon displays the active task. Ctrl-click on the icon allows the user to select a new active task.
    • The popup menu on the tray icon provides quick access to many commonly used dashboard features.
  • In the Team Dashboard, you can now expand the weekly earned value report to show data for each individual team member. This resulting report can be very useful in weekly team meetings.
  • The play/pause button now displays new icons that make it easier to determine whether the timer is running or stopped.
  • Tasks labels (assigned in the WBS Editor) are now displayed for each task when you open an earned value plan in the Task & Schedule window or view a report in your browser.
  • Warning icons now appear when a task is planned to be completed before its dependencies.
  • Since version 1.7.1b-9, team members have been able to open the Work Breakdown Structure directly from their personal dashboard. A preference on the Team Project Parameters and Settings page controls whether individuals should be allowed to make changes to the WBS. Previously, this setting defaulted to “read-only,” but with this release, the default is to allow edits. Teams that wish to keep the WBS read-only will need to adjust the value of this setting after upgrading.
  • Several common operations have been optimized, and now require much less time. For example, the dashboard may start in half the time, and export data in one-fifth the time.